Figure 3.
Usage rate and the feature importance of each clinical laboratory indicator (CLI) in the high-performance COVID-19 vs community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) classifiers. (A) The mean feature importance of each CLI in the high-performance classifiers (HPCs) constructed with the 7-CLI combinations. (B) The mean feature importance of each CLI in the HPCs constructed with the 8-CLI combinations. The histogram is represented by mean (SD). The numbers with the shadow backgrounds represent the minimum and maximum values of the feature importance of the CLI. The number indicated with the triangle symbol represents the mean feature importance of CLI in all classifiers. The number indicated with the circle represents the usage rate of the CLI in the HPC. The number in the parentheses indicates how many CLI combinations are capable of constructing the HPCs containing the CLI. AFU: α-L-fucosidase; AGR: albumin to globulin ratio; ALB: albumin; BASOC: basophil count; EOC: eosinophil count; FC: feature combination; HGB: hemoglobin concentration; K: potassium; LYM: lymphocyte; MCHC: mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration; MCV: mean (red blood cell) corpuscular volume; MOC: monocyte count; NEUT: neutrophil ratio; NEUTC: neutrophil count; PCT: procalcitonin; PCV: packed-cell volume (hematocrit); RBC: red blood cell count; RDW-SD: red blood cell distribution width–standard deviation; UA: uric acid; WBC: white blood cell count.