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. 2021 Feb 22;23(2):e26257. doi: 10.2196/26257

Table 1.

Demographics of the study cohorts. All values presented in the table represent data collected at the time of COVID-19 diagnosis.

Variable Total cohort (N=5594), n (%) Subcohorts

Development cohort (n=3729), n (%) Validation cohort (n=1865), n (%)
Demographics, n (%)

Age (years)

0-9 66 (1.2) 46 (1.2) 20 (1.1)

10-19 205 (3.7) 146 (3.9) 59 (3.2)

20-29 1,110 (19.8) 725 (19.4) 385 (20.6)

30-39 564 (10.1) 378 (10.1) 186 (10)

40-49 739 (13.2) 487 (13.1) 252 (13.5)

50-59 1,140 (20.4) 768 (20.6) 372 (19.9)

60-69 905 (16.2) 605 (16.2) 300 (16.1)

70-79 542 (9.7) 364 (9.8) 178 (9.5)

≥ 80 323 (5.8) 210 (5.6) 113 (6.1)

Gender (male) 2,307 (41.2) 1536 (41.2) 1094 (58.7)
Comorbidity, n (%)

Hypertension (missing n=3) 1196 (21.4) 795 (21.3) 401 (21.5)

Diabetes (missing n=3) 686 (12.3) 452 (12.1) 234 (12.5)

Dementia (missing n=329) 224 (4) 150 (4) 74 (4)

Cardiac disease (missing n=19) 179 (3.2) 122 (3.3) 57 (3.1)

Cancer in active treatmenta (missing n=4) 143 (2.6) 90 (2.4) 53 (2.8)

Asthma (missing n=3) 128 (2.3) 82 (2.2) 46 (2.5)

Chronic hepatic diseaseb (missing n=326) 82 (1.5) 47 (1.3) 35 (1.9)

Heart failure (missing n=3) 58 (1) 36 (1) 22 (1.2)

Chronic renal failure (missing n=3) 55 (1) 36 (1) 19 (1)

Chronic obstructive lung disease (missing n=3) 40 (0.7) 25 (0.7) 15 (0.8)

Autoimmune disease (missing n=332) 38 (0.7) 31 (0.8) 7 (0.4)
Symptoms (missing n=4), n (%)

Sputum 1610 (28.8) 1114 (29.9) 496 (26.6)

Fever 1300 (23.2) 852 (22.8) 448 (24)

Dyspnea 662 (11.8) 454 (12.2) 208 (11.2)

Diarrhea 516 (9.2) 345 (9.3) 171 (9.2)

Nausea or vomiting 244 (4.4) 168 (4.5) 76 (4.1)

Fatigue 233 (4.2) 164 (4.4) 69 (3.7)

Mental disturbance, n (%) 32 (0.6) 22 (0.6) 10 (0.5)
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) (missing n=135), n (%)

<120 1306 (23.3) 907 (24.3) 399 (21.4)

120-129 1138 (20.3) 733 (19.7) 405 (21.7)

130-139 1084 (19.4) 705 (18.9) 379 (20.3)

140-159 1418 (25.3) 960 (25.7) 458 (24.6)

≥160 513 (9.2) 330 (8.8) 183 (9.8)
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) (missing n=135), n (%)

<80 2102 (37.6) 1401 (37.6) 701 (37.6)

80-89 1797 (32.1) 1201 (32.2) 596 (32)

90-99 1056 (18.9) 686 (18.4) 370 (19.8)

≥100 504 (9) 347 (9.3) 157 (8.4)
Heart rate (per min) (missing n=122), mean (SD) 85.8 (15.1) 85.8 (15.1) 85.8 (15.1)

<110, n (%) 5136 (91.8) 3,374 (90.5) 1709 (91.6)

≥110, n (%) 336 (6) 272 (7.3) 117 (6.3)
Body temperature (°C) (missing n=37), mean (SD) 36.9 (0.6) 36.9 (0.6) 36.9 (0.6)

<38°C, n (%) 5348 (95.6) 3523 (94.5) 1752 (93.9)

≥38°C, n (%) 209 (3.7) 179 (4.8) 103 (5.5)
Baseline hemogram

Hemoglobin (g/dL) (missing n=1519), mean (SD) 13.3 (1.8) 13.3 (1.7) 13.3 (1.8)

≥12.5, n (%) 2882 (51.5) 1923 (51.6) 959 (51.4)

<12.5, n (%) 1193 (21.3) 773 (20.7) 420 (22.5)

Absolute lymphocyte count (per mm3) (missing n=1542), mean (SD) 1691 (1,054) 1697 (955) 1,681 (1,225)

≥1000, n (%) 3266 (58.4) 2161 (58) 1105 (59.2)

<1000, n (%) 786 (14.1) 518 (13.9) 268 (14.4)

Platelet count (per mm3) (missing n=1517), mean (SD) 236,814 (82,846) 238,377 (82,789) 233,760 (82,900)

≥100,000, n (%) 3986 (71.3) 2634 (70.6) 1352 (72.5)

<100,000, n (%) 91 (1.6) 62 (1.7) 29 (1.6)

Follow-up (days), median (95% CI) 25 (24-25) 25 (24-25) 25 (24-25)

aCases that achieved complete cure of cancer were excluded.

bCases with chronic hepatitis were included in this category.