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. 2021 Feb 5;10:637513. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2020.637513

Table 1.

Studies exploring the diagnostic accuracy of USPIO-enhanced MRI for nodal detection in HNSCC.

Author Year Number of nodes in analysis Number of patients in analysis Clinical N-stage Dose (mg Fe/kg body weight) MRI field strength in Tesla (no.) MRI timing in hours Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) PPV (%) NPV (%)
Anzai (45) 1994 91 11 n.p. 1.7 1.5 10–12 (4)
22–24 (8)
48 (2) a
95 84 n.p. n.p.
Hoffman (46) 2000 101 9 8/9 cN+
1/9 cN-
1.7 1.5 24–36 95 99 n.p. n.p.
Mack (21) 2002 1029 27 29/30 cN+
1/30 cN-
2.6 1.5 24–36 86 100 100 99
Sigal (38) 2002 86 81 53/81 cN+
28/81 cN-
2.6 1.5 (78)
1.0 (3)
24–36 ≥ 88 ≥ 77 ≥ 51 ≥ 90
Anzai (47) 2003 n.p. 29 n.p. 2.6 n.p. 24–36 96 87 n.p. n.p.
Baghi (48) 2005 363 26 17/28 cN+
11/28 cN-
2.6 1.5 24–36 82.3 100 100 93
Curvo-Semedo (49) 2006 63 19 13/20 cN+
7/20 cN-
2.6 1.5 24–36 96 78.9 75 96.8
Baghi (50) 2007 80 17 8/17 cN+
9/17 cN-
2.6 n.p. 24–36 n.p. 94 n.p. n.p.
Wensing (51) 2011 143 9 0/9 cN+
9/9 cN-
2.6 1.5
24–36 100 (1.5T) 92 (1.5 T) 8 (1.5 T) 100 (1.5 T)
3.0 24–36 100 93 9&10 100

2 patients underwent MRI twice at 10 and 24 h.

cN-, clinically node negative; cN+, clinically node positive; Fe, iron; kg, kilogram; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; N, node; mg, milligram; n.p., not provided; n.s., not specified; no., number of patients; NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value.