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. 2021 Feb 1;12:630217. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.630217


Summary of the nine criteria and the scores assigned to each CWR and its associated crop.

No. Criteria Score 1 - Low Score 2 - Medium Score 3 - High
Associated crop I Crop Importance Score (IS) IS ≤ 0.2 0.2 < IS ≤ 0.4 IS > 0.4
II World native distribution of the crop Native out Africa Native to Africa, excluding West Africa Native to West Africa and other regions
CWR III CWR genetic potential as gene donor GP3 or TG3 GP2 or TG2 GP1 or TG1)
IV Number of associated crops 1 2 3
IV CWR status in Cabo Verde Introduced, native from regions out of Africa Introduced, native in Africa but not in Cabo Verde Native in Cabo Verde
VI Distribution in Cabo Verde (number of islands) ≥6 islands 4–5 islands 1–3 islands
VII Area of occupancy (AOO) >40 km2 21–40 km2 ≤20 km2
VIII World native distribution Native out Africa Native to Africa, excluding West Africa Native to West Africa and other regions
IX Ethnobotanical uses ≤2 uses 3–4 uses >4 uses