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. 2021 Feb 5;12:623171. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.623171


Codes used for groups of CDS.

Group Code
According to cellular function
Amino acid related enzymes AARE
Chromosome and associated proteins CAPR
Chaperones and folding catalysts CHFC
Cytoskeleton proteins CYPR
DNA replication proteins DRPR
DNA repair and recombination proteins DRRP
Enzymes ENZY
Exosome EXOS
Glycosyltransferases GLYC
Lipid biosynthesis proteins LIBP
Messenger RNA biogenesis MERB
Membrane trafficking METR
Mitochondrial biogenesis MIBI
Peptidases PEPT
Protein phosphatases and associated proteins PPAP
Prenyltransferases PREN
Protein kinases PRKI
Proteasome PROT
Ribosome biogenesis RIBI
Ribosome RIBO
Spliceosome SPLI
Translation factors TLFA
Transcription factors TNFA
Transfer RNA biogenesis TRBI
Transcription machinery TRMA
Ubiquitin system UBSY
According to subcellular location
Cell membrane CEME
Cytoplasm CYTO
Endoplasmic reticulum ENRE
Extracellular EXTR
Golgi apparatus GOAP
Lysosome/Vacuole LYVA
Mitochondrion MITO
Nucleus NUCL
Peroxisome PERO