Late onset Kluyveromyces marxianus keratitis after lamellar corneal transplantation (DMEK, descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty).
A. Clinical findings nearly 9 months (288 days) after DMEK surgery: Paracentral corneal infiltrate with surrounding corneal opacity due to epithelial and stromal edema.
B. Cross-section of the cornea by in vivo optical coherence tomography reveals localization of the infiltrate (1291 μm in diameter) between graft lamella and host cornea (Ep: epithelium, S: stroma, En: endothelial transplant lamella).
C. Fungal structures (red arrows) in Grocott stain with surrounding mild inflammation. (Ep: epithelium, S: stroma, En: endothelial transplant lamella). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)