Fig. 9.
Ras–RafRBD allosteric interactions. DCCMs of (A) unphosphorylated and (B) phosphorylated Ras–RafRBD systems. Positive regions (red) stand for correlated motions, whereas negative regions (blue) represent anti-correlated motions. Correlated motions with absolute values <0.3 were neglected and shown in white. (C) Representative structures of the salt bridge network from Ras residue E37 to RafRBD R100 in unphosphorylated and phosphorylated systems. Salt bridges in the unphosphorylated system are marked with red dashed lines and the same are marked with yellow dashed lines in the phosphorylated system. Map of community network in unphosphorylated (D) and phosphorylated (E) Ras–RafRBD complexes. Areas of the circles represent the numbersof residues in corresponding communities, and the widths of sticks connecting communities represent the intercommunity connections. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)