Figure 8.
Layer-by-layer encapsulation of probiotics employed to enhance their survival rate against acidic and bile conditions, and their physical retention in the intestine. (A) Schematic LbL encapsulation of chitosan and alginate on probiotic. (B) LbL formulated (CHI/ALG)2 (black bars) BC were protected against both acidic and bile salt conditions at 37°C for up to 2 h. LbL coatings of chitosan (dark gray bars), (CHI/L100)1 (white bars), (CHI/L100)2 (light gray bars), and (CHI/ALG)1 (cross-hatched bars) were less effective at protecting BC against both acidic and bile conditions. Error bars represent standard deviation (n = 3). *denotes statistical difference (P < 0.05) using Student’s t-test between plain and LbL groups. **denotes statistical difference (P < 0.05) using individual Student’s t-test between the designated and any other group. (C) IVIS images of porcine intestine with plain- and (CHI/ALG)2-probiotics. Adapted from ref. (143).