Management strategies for patients with CLL. (A) Treatment pattern of OTT scenario, with evolving therapeutic options over time. (B) Treatment pattern of CIT scenario, which continues the use of CIT as the standard of care through time. For the base-case analysis, the most widely used therapy was selected when more than one therapy was considered available for patients in the same condition (shown in bold). B, bendamustine; BR, bendamustine and rituximab; CIT, chemoimmunotherapy; Clb, chlorambucil; Clb+R, chlorambucil and rituximab; CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukemia; del(17p), deletion at chromosome 17p targeting the TP53 gene; F, fludarabine; FCR, fludarabine, cyclophosphamide and rituximab; FR, fludarabine and rituximab; GClb, obinutuzumab and chlorambucil; IGHV, immunoglobulin heavy-chain variable; OTT, oral targeted therapy; R, rituximab.