Fig. 2.
The importance of maintaining the in-phase single-quantum term during the 15N evolution period in 1H–15N NMR experiments for Lys and Arg side chains. (A) Impact of scalar relaxation on different single-quantum terms of 15N coherence. (B) Broadening of 15N line shapes due to hydrogen exchange in the 15N dimensions of HSQC, HMQC, and HISQC spectra for Lys NH3+ and Arg NεH groups. The increases in 15N half-height widths are given in Hz units. (C) The pulse sequence of the water-flip-back HISQC experiment for Lys NH3+ or Arg NεH groups. Thin and bold bars in black represent hard rectangular 90° and 180° pulses, respectively. Water-selective half-Gaussian (2.1 ms) and soft-rectangular (1.2 ms) 90° pulses are represented by half-bell and short-bold shapes, respectively. Unless indicated otherwise, pulse phases are along x, and the carrier position for 1H was set to the position of the water resonance. The 15N carrier position is set to ~33 ppm for Lys NH3+ groups and to ~85 ppm for Arg NεH groups. A gray bell-shape for 15N represents a 1.0-ms rSNOB 180° pulse (Kupče, Boyd, & Campbell, 1995) selective to Lys 15Nζ or Arg 15Nε nuclei. The delays τa and τb are set as follows: τa = 2.7 ms and τb = 1.3 ms for Lys NH3+ groups; τa = 2.3 ms and τb = 2.7 ms for Arg NεH groups. This setting for Arg side chains suppresses signals from NηH2 groups; τb = 1.3 ms can be used to avoid this suppression of NηH2 signals. Phase cycles: φ1 = (y, −y); φ2 = (2(y), 2(−y)); φ3 = (4x, 4(−x));receiver = (x, 2(−x), x, −x, 2x, −x). Quadrature detection in the t1 domain was achieved using States-TPPI, incrementing the phase φ1. The third 1H 90° pulse along −x (before the gradient g4) serves two purposes: it purges unnecessary 15N antiphase magnetization by generating multiple quantum coherence and it flips the water magnetization back to +z. In the HISQC experiment, 1H WALTZ-16 decoupling pulses maintain 15N in-phase single-quantum coherence during the 15N evolution period t1 and thereby suppress the broadening of 15N line shapes due to rapid scalar relaxation arising from hydrogen exchange. (D) HISQC drastically improves 1H–15N correlation spectra for Lys NH3+ groups through suppression of scalar relaxation during the 15N evolution period. This panel compares the HMQC, HSQC, and HISQC spectra recorded for the Lys NH3+ groups of the 15N-labeled Egr-1 zinc-finger–DNA complex at pH 5.8 and 10°C. For each spectrum, the data were acquired using the same number of scans and the same digital resolutions and were processed identically. F1-slices at the position indicated by an arrow are shown to indicate 15N line shapes.