15N relaxation measurements for Lys NH3+ and Arg NεH groups (Esadze et al., 2016, 2011; Nguyen, Lokesh, Volk, & Iwahara, 2017). Symbols representing pulses are the same as those used in Fig. 2C. The delays τa = 2.7 ms and τb = 1.3 ms are used for Lys NH3+ groups, whereas τa = 2.3 ms and τb = 2.7 ms are used for Arg NεH groups. The 15N carrier position is set to ~33 pm for Lys NH3+ groups and to ~85 ppm for Arg NεH groups. The 1H carrier position is set to the H2O resonance. Quadrature detection in the t1 domain was achieved using States-TPPI, incrementing the phase φ1. Although the use of τb = 1.3 ms for Lys NH3+ groups retains 4NxHzHz terms, the impact of these terms is eliminated in other parts of these pulse sequences (Nguyen, Lokesh, et al., 2017). To maintain the in-phase single-quantum 15N coherence, the 1H WALTZ composite pulses are used during the t1 period. (A) 15N longitudinal relaxation measurement. A 1H 180° pulse that does not affect H2O resonance is applied every 10 ms during the delay Tr for longitudinal relaxation. A recycle delay between scans is set to 2 s in this experiment. Phase cycles: φ1 = (2y, 2(−y)), φ2 = (y, −y), φ3 = (4x, 4(−x)), φ4 = (8y, 8(−y)), and receiver = (x, −x, −x, x, 2(−x, x, x, −x), x, −x, −x, x). (B) 15N transverse relaxation measurement. The 1H carrier position is shifted to 7.8 ppm at the position of the first vertical arrow (after the PFG g4) and set back to the position of water resonance at the position of the second arrow. Typically we use the CPMG frequency νCPMG of 417 Hz. For this, the RF strength ωCW/2π of 1H CW during the CPMG is set to 5 kHz, satisfying ωCW/2π = 2kνCPMG (k, integer) (Hansen, Vallurupalli, & Kay, 2008). However, when a lower CPMG frequency is used, a stronger RF strength is required for 1H CW to maintain the in-phase single-quantum 15N coherence during the CPMG scheme. For Arg NεH groups, the CPMG frequency, the RF strength, and 15N carrier position should be set to avoid the recoupling conditions for modulation by 2JNN couplings (Nguyen & Iwahara, 2018). The delays ξ1 and ξ2 are for alignment of 1H magnetization and given by ξ1 = 1/ωCW = (4/π)τ90H and ξ2 = τ90N − (2/π)τ90H (Hansen et al., 2008; Hansen & Kay, 2007), in which τ90 represents the relevant 90° pulse length. A recycle delay of 2.9 s is used. Phase cycles: φ1 = (4y, 4(−y)), φ2 = (8y, 8(−y)), φ3 = x, φ4 = (x, −x), φ5 = (2y, 2 (−y)), φ6 = (2x, 2(−x)), φ7 = (2(−y), 2y), and receiver = (x, −x, x, −x, 2(−x, x, −x, x), x, −x, x, −x). (C) Heteronuclear 1H–15N NOE measurement. Measurement with 1H saturation (5 s) is performed with a train of 180°x and 180°(−x) pulses (RF strength, 11 kHz) at an interval of 10 ms. The reference spectrum is measured without the scheme in the bracket. For measurements of heteronuclear NOE, we set a recycle delay (including the saturation period) to 12s for a 600-MHz spectrometer and to 18s for 750 or 800 MHz spectrometer. Phase cycles: φ1 = (y, −y), φ2 = (4x, 4y, 4(−x), 4(−y)), φ3 = (2x, 2(−x)), and receiver = (x, −x, −x, x, −x, x, x, −x).