Strain background alters phenotypes in Lmx1bV265D/+ mice. Representative front- and side-view, slit-lamp images for mice of the indicated ages and genotypes. The frequencies of specific disease features are shown in Fig. 2. Wild-type (WT) mice of all backgrounds were similar and so only B6 WTs are shown. B6.Lmx1bV265D/+ mutant mice have the most severe overall phenotypes, including malformed eccentric pupils, extensive corneal haze and greatly deepened anterior chambers at 3 months of age. With age, the severity of B6 phenotypes increases, with development of corneal scarring, vascularization and ulcers. C3H mutants are generally similar to B6, but are more resistant to developmental corneal phenotypes at younger ages. D2-G mutants are generally similar to C3H, but are more resistant to LMX1B-induced corneal phenotypes at all ages (see Fig. 2). The 129 strain background is the most resistant to ocular disease phenotypes, with mutants typically displaying only mild pupillary abnormalities and corneal haze.