auditory brainstem response
(ABR) thresholds of Mir183/96dko and Mir182ko homozygous, heterozygous and wild-type mice tested at P14, P21, P28, P56, P90 and P180. Homozygous Mir183/96dko mice show profound hearing loss at all ages tested (points plotted at 95 dB indicate no response at this level, the maximum SPL used). Mir182ko homozygotes (red circles) display mildly raised thresholds at high frequencies, which slowly progresses to include the middle frequencies as the mice age. Heterozygotes from both lines (blue diamonds) show thresholds similar to those of wild-type mice (green squares). Numbers of each genotype tested at each age are shown on the threshold plot. Error bars are s.d. (Bonferroni-corrected *P<0.05, mixed linear model pairwise comparison; asterisk is marked in red for a significant difference between wild type and homozygote or blue for a significant difference between wild type and heterozygote). See Figs S2 and S3 for individually plotted traces. See Data S1 for the data and statistical analyses underlying these graphs.