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. 2020 Mar 4;71(9):e454–e464. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciaa211

Table 3.

Bivariate Analyses of Potential Predictors of Adverse Outcomes

Acute Complicated Coursea Chronic Morbiditya
Potential Predictor Outcome Absent (n = 194) Outcome Present (n = 62) Missing P Value Outcome Absent (n = 226) Outcome Present (n = 27) Missing P Value
Hospital site: HCH 100 (52) 29 (47) 5 .51 110 (49) 16 (59) 8 .30
Age, median (IQR), y 9.3 (4.0–12.0) 8.5 (5.4–12.3) 5 .98 9.0 (4.2–11.9) 10.1 (5.6–12.3) 8 .52
Sex, female 67 (35) 32 (53) 5 .02 89 (39) 9 (33) 8 .54
Location of infectionb 5
 Upper extremity long bone 17 (9) 10 (16) .10 22 (10) 5 (19) 8 .18
 Lower extremity long bone 91 (47) 39 (62) .03 117 (52) 13 (48) 8 .72
 Hands 8 (4) 4 (7) .49 10 (4) 2 (7) 8 .37
 Feet 31 (16) 6 (10) .22 32 (14) 2 (7) 8 .55
 Pelvis or sacrum 48 (25) 8 (13) .05 49 (22) 7 (26) 8 .616
 Otherc 6 (3) 2 (3) 1 6 (3) 2 (7) 8 .21
Multifocal infectiond 5 (3) 7 (11) 5 .01 7 (3) 4 (15) 8 .02
Disseminated infectione 10 (5) 20 (32) 5 < .001 19 (8) 9 (33) 8 < .001
Duration of preceding symptoms, median (IQR), d 4 (2–7) 4 (2–7) 5 .45 4 (2–7) 4 (2–7) 8 .85
Tmaxf, median (IQR), °C 38.7 (37.639.6) 39.4 (38.440.0) 5 < .001 38.8 (37.739.8) 39.4 (38.440.0) 11 .06
Fever after > 48 h of antibiotic therapy 50 (26) 40 (65) 5 < .001 72 (32) 15 (56) 8 .01
WBC on admission, median (IQR), ×1000 cells/mL 10.4 (7.8–14.9) 13.4 (10.1–16.5) 18 .002 10.7 (7.8–15.2) 12.3 (10.3–15.7) 28 .07
ESR on admission, median (IQR), mm/h 45 (24–56) 52 (40–65) 17 .002 46 (27–58) 45 (35–66) 28 .26
CRP on admission, median (IQR), mg/L 47 (21–130) 129 (61–220) 14 < .001 57 (25–136) 138 (65–221) 25 .002
CRP ≥ 50 mg/L after 2–4 d of antibiotics 52 (31) 36 (68) 41 < .001 70 (37) 16 (67) 47 .004
CRP ≥ 100 mg/L after 2–4 d of antibiotics 25 (15) 26 (49) 36 < .001 36 (18) 13 (54) 32 < .001
CRP ≥ 150 mg/L after 2–4 d of antibiotics 15 (9) 21 (40) 32 < .001 26 (13) 9 (38) 38 .002
Admitted to ICU 8 (4) 8 (13) 5 .01 13 (6) 2 (7) 8 .67
Suppurative arthritisg 34 (18) 25 (40) 5 < .001 47 (21) 10 (37) 8 .06
Bacteremia 84 (43) 33 (53) 5 .17 101 (45) 15 (56) 8 .28
Bone abscess 59 (30) 38 (61) 5 < .001 80 (35) 18 (67) 8 .002
Causative organism recovery 130 (67) 59 (95) 5 < .001 163 (72) 24 (89) 8 .07
Staphylococcus aureus recovered 107 (55) 42 (68) 5 .08 129 (57) 19 (70) 8 .19
MRSA recovered as causative organism 21 (11) 22 (36) 5 < .001 37 (16) 7 (26) 8 .22
Any surgical intervention 103 (53) 58 (94) 5 < .001 135 (60) 24 (89) 8 .003
Bone debridement 52 (27) 50 (81) 5 < .001 79 (35) 20 (74) 8 < .001
Delayed source control (excluding IR) 7 (4) 15 (24) 5 < .001 18 (8) 6 (22) 8 .017
Delayed source control (including IR) 14 (7) 16 (26) 5 < .001 25 (11) 6 (22) 8 .095
Multiple bone debridements 35 (57) 5 24 (11) 11 (41) 8 < .001
Severity of illness scoreh, median (IQR) 1 (0–3) 6 (1–7) 28 < .001 1 (0–4) 6 (1–7) 40 .001

Data are presented as no. (%) unless otherwise indicated. Bold values indicate significant results.

Abbreviations: CRP, C-reactive protein; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; HCH, Hasbro Children’s Hospital; ICU, intensive care unit; IQR, interquartile range; IR, drainage performed by Interventional Radiologist; MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; Tmax, maximum temperature; WBC, white blood cell.

aDefined in Methods section.

bTotal > 100% secondary to multifocal infections.

cClavicle, scapula, sternum, or patella.

dDefined as the involvement of ≥2 noncontiguous bones.

eIndicated by the presence of multifocal infection, pneumonia, septic pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, or endocarditis.

fIn the first 48 hours from presentation.

gSynovial fluid with positive culture, positive Gram stain for bacteria, nucleated cell count ≥ 10 000 cells/mL, or moderate-many neutrophils if nucleated cell count not done (4 cases).

hAs described by Athey et al [30].