Fig. 2.
SFPQ knockdown in HEK293T cells reduces the number of sense and antisense foci and dipeptide repeat protein (DPR) expression. HEK293T cells expressing (G4C2)72 or (C4G2)32 repeats treated with either shScramble (control) or shSFPQ (SFPQ KD) are presented. (A) shSFPQ reduces the expression level of SFPQ to 0.13±0.02 relative to that in shScramble-treated cells. (B) The number of sense foci is 10.94±1.71 in SFPQ KD and 22.78±2.74 in control cells. A higher percentage of SFPQ KD cells have <20 sense foci per cell, whereas a higher percentage of control cells have >20 foci per cell. n for control cells=3390, n for KD cells=3821. (C) The number of antisense foci is 12.12±4.88 in SFPQ KD and 22.18±8.01 in the control cells. A higher percentage of SFPQ KD cells have <20 antisense foci per cell, whereas a higher percentage of control cells have >20 foci per cell. n for control cells=3680, n for KD cells=4215. (D) The ratios of DPR expression levels in SFPQ KD versus control cells are 0.31±0.07 (pGA), 0.71±0.06 (pGR) and 0.51±0.14 (pGP). Scale bars: 5 µm. The experiments are performed for three biological (three different passages of HEK293T cells) and at least two technical repeats (two independent experiments performed on each cell line). Error bars denote s.d. Statistical significance is calculated with the two-tailed t-test and is labeled as: *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001.