Fig. 8. A schematic diagram showing that glucocorticoid counteracts mechanical cellular responses via LINC01569-guided GMD of mechanosensors.
Mechanosensors including EGR1, CITED2, and BMP7 sense stretch and are stably expressed, leading to cellular mechanical responses of HSFBs, including increased collagen, increased proliferation, and decreased apoptosis. However, glucocorticoid up-regulates LINC01569, which mediates GMD of the mechanosensors, and counteracts the cellular mechanical responses of cells. Mechanistically, LINC01569 binds directly with the GMD protein factor YBX1 and guides it to the UTRs of EGR1, CITED2 and BMP7 mRNAs through lncRNA-mRNA interaction, thereby contributing to the successful assembly of the GMD complex that triggers GMD of the mechanosensors. Glucocorticoids and lncRNA-guided GMD system thus hold out promise for effective prevention and treatment of clinical disorders associated with mechanical stretch.