A, computer with LabView program sends preprogrammed sequence of desired heartbeats to both the VAD pump control unit (B) and MRI scanner (C). The pump control unit drives the VAD from outside the scanner room by sending air through a pneumatic line. C, 5D flow imaging volume includes the ventricular assist device (VAD), which drives pulsatile flow through an air-water separating membrane that moves orthogonally to the inflow outflow tubes (in/out of the page). This VAD was included in the imaging volume to extract cardiac motion signals. D, RT 2D PC flow curve over the 40 second scan. RR intervals are under each cardiac trigger (red asterisks), each color corresponds to a different RR bin. Colors correspond to RR interval bins in Figure 3. Three heartbeats (gray) were not within the range of any of the 5D flow RR bins, and thus not used for comparisons. VAD indicates pneumatically-driven ventricular assist device; BPM, beats per minute; ROI, region of interest.