Figure 4: Influence of peptide weight fraction on cellular co-localization.
Fluorescence intensity per cell was measured to quantify the relative extent of nanogel co-localization with each cell line. Only in the case of (A) colon carcinoma cells, and not with (B) fibroblasts or (C) macrophages did the extent of cellular co-localization trend significantly with CC-9 wt% in the dry nanogel (r2 for goodness of fit = 0.77 for CC-9 wt% and co-localization with SW-48 cells). Higher weight fractions of CC-9 (5–10 wt%) significantly increased nanogel co-localization with SW-48 cells, relative to inclusion of a similar weight fraction RH-20. When the same nanogels were incubated with fibroblasts or macrophages, no significant difference in co-localization were observed. (mean fluorescence ± sd, n = 4–8, *p < 0.05, ***p < 0.001, 2-way ANOVA with tukey post-test).