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. 2021 Feb 12;8(1):1–10. doi: 10.1007/s40473-021-00225-w

Table 1.

Possible aspects of the tasks that are ‘common’ in common currency tasks—for consideration when designing new tasks

Common aspects Type of validity Notes
Demographics of sample Face/construct Many animal studies only use males [71]—is this appropriate for the research question? Are humans only recruited if they fit into certain demographics (age, medication)?
Developmental stage Face/construct Is the same developmental stage used in both human and animal research? e.g. adolescent vs adult
Task difficulty Construct Does the task need to be simpler for animals to achieve the same level of performance? Do overtrained animals perform better than humans?
Task duration Face/construct Do different species need different task durations? i.e. do humans get bored faster/produce more varied behaviour so more data points are needed for accurate inference? Do animals need many short sessions of a task, whereas humans can perform the task in one longer session?
Motivation Construct Are animals water restricted to maximise their desire for (water) reward? Are humans reimbursed more for good performance?
Instructed Face/construct Are the instructions verbal?
Overtraining Face/construct Animals are frequently overtrained on tasks, whereas humans are usually not
Stimulus presentation
Modality Face/construct Visual, aural? Would construct validity be achieved better if stimuli are different between species?
Actual stimuli Face/construct E.g. tones may be adjusted for different species’ hearing ranges
Response Face/construct E.g. do animals and humans both press buttons, or do animals enter a nose-poke?
Classification Face/construct Often, animals receive primary reinforcers such as sucrose or electrical shocks, and humans receive points or money
Actual feedback Face/construct Even if both primary reinforcers, feedback may still differ: e.g. white noise in humans, and electric shocks in animals
Strategy Construct Are animals and humans using the same ‘strategy’ to complete the task? For example, animals and humans may rely to different extents on spatial strategies in the Morris water maze and the virtual-reality human equivalent [16]
Data preprocessing Construct Is data quality assessed in the same way between species? Are data cleaned in the same way?
Analysis Construct Are the primary outcome measures the same? Are they calculated in the same way?
Behavioural performance Construct Is behavioural performance (e.g. patterns of accuracy) similar between species?
Neural basis Construct Are homologous brain areas and circuits implicated in the performance of this task between species?
Sensitivity to symptoms Face/construct/predictive Is behaviour on the task sensitive to psychiatric symptoms, e.g. do animal models of anhedonia demonstrate a measurable change from healthy animals in the same way anhedonic humans perform differently to healthy controls?
Effects of interventions Predictive Do pharmacological agents have the same effects on both human and animal behaviour/neural activity in the task?