Fig. 4.
The expression pattern of camel during late development. camel expresses in the brain ventricular system, circumventricular organs, ventro-rostral patch (vrp), and the eye-differentiating retina. All images are in the lateral view. a 72 hpf, wild-type larvae. b 48 hpf, the left-hand side eye of the wild-type embryo. c 72 hpf, the left-hand side eye of the wild-type larvae. Abbreviations: c, cerebellum; chf, choroid fissure; cf, cephalic flexure; d, diencephalon; e, epiphysis; emt, eminentia thalami; fo, flexural organ; hb, hindbrain; ht, hypothalamus; mhb, midbrain-hindbrain boundary; mrp, midbrain roof plate; op, olfactory placode, ot, optic tectum; ovlt, organum vasculosum lamina terminalis; pvo, paraventricular organ; sco, subcommissural organ; t, telencephalon; tg, tegmentum. Scale bar = 100 μm except a’, where it is 25 μm