Figure 3.
Human neutrophil chromosomes do not position randomly within nuclear lobes
(A) Schematic showing how radial position values within a neutrophil nuclear lobe are calculated.
(B) A slice through a neutrophil nuclear lobe image showing the approximate radial position values of the chromosomes. For clarity most chromosomes are not shown.
(C) Scatterplot of the median of the mean chromosome volume radial position within human neutrophil nuclear lobes plotted as a function of chromosome length (Mb). Straight line fitted to data (y = −6.18e-4x+0.735, R2 = 0.7498 and p value 4.6 × 10−8).
(D) Scatterplot of the median of the mean chromosome volume radial position from five independent sets of random chromosome position shufflings plotted as a function of chromosome length (Mb). Straight line fitted to each instance independently (y = −2.38e-5x+0.612, R2 = 0.008 and p value = not significant (ns), y = −8.47e-5x+0.612, R2 = 0.0473 and p value ns, y = −1.24e-5x+0.618, R2 = 0.0023 and p value ns, y = −2.12e-5x+0.622, R2 = 0.0066 and p value ns, y = −7.45e-5x+0.630, R2 = 0.0378 and p value ns).