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. 2021 Feb 25;21:400. doi: 10.1186/s12889-021-10409-4

Table 4.

ACE Question Definitions

Descriptor Question
 Emotional Neglect Caregiver did not understand your problems/worries; did not know what you were doing with your free time
 Physical Neglect Caregiver did not give you enough food or sending you to school even it could easily been done;too drunk/intoxicated by drugs to take care of you
Family Psychological Distress
 Alcohol and/or drug abuser in the household Lived with a household member who was a problem drinker, alcoholic, or misused street/prescription drugs
 Incarcerated household member Lived with a household member who ever sent to jail or prison
 Someone chronically depressed, mentally ill, institutionalized or suicidal Lived with a household member who was depressed, mentally ill, or suicidal
 One or no parents, parental separation or divorce Parents ever separated/divorced, or father/mother/guardian died
Home Violence
 Physical Abuse You being spanked/ slapped/kicked/ punched/beaten up; or being hit/cut with an object by parents/guardian
 Emotional Abuse You were yelled at/screamed at/sworn at/insulted or humiliated, or were threatened/abandoned, thrown out by parents/guardian
 Household member treated violently Saw or heard a parent/household member being yelled at/screamed at/sworn at/ insulted or humiliated; being slapped/kicked/punched/beaten up; or being hit/cut with an object
Community Violence
 Bullying Being bullied
 Community Violence See or hear someone being beaten up, stabbed, shot, or being threatened with a knife or gun in real life
 Collective Violence Forced to go and live in other place; experienced destrubtion of home due to these events; you or family member or friend killed or beaten up by soldiers, police, gangs, or militia