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. 2021 Feb 24;21:129. doi: 10.1186/s12909-021-02517-x

Table 1.

Characteristics of studies included in the systematic review and meta-analysis

Source Country Design Sample Response rate Outcome Qualitya
Maisiak et al. 1980 [31] US Non-controlled trial 145 88% Effectiveness of an educational intervention 2
Dornbush et al. 1985 [16] US Cross-sectional 144 72% Change in MS-ATU 4
Ewan et al. 1987 [32] AU Cross-sectional 156 71.2% Change in MS-ATU 4
Ewan et al. 1988 [33] AU Cohort 63 68% Change in MS-ATU 2
Dornbush et al. 1991 [34] US Cross-sectional 71 38% Change in MS-ATU 4
Crandall et al. 1993 [12] US Cross-sectional 220 80.9% Change in MS-ATU 4
Tippets & Westphelling, 1993 [35] US Cross-sectional 560 NA Mediating factors 4
Campos-Outcalt et al. 1997 [36] US Case-control 193 68.4% Effectiveness of an educational intervention 3
Crandall et al. 1997 [13] US Cohort 495 80% Change in MS-ATU 2
O’Toole et al. 1999 [37] US Cohort 160 68.5% Effectiveness of an educational intervention 2
Weitzmann et al. 2000 [38] US Cross-sectional 141 71% Change in MS-IWU 4
Markham et al. 2001 [39] US Non-controlled trial 90 90.9% Effectiveness of an educational intervention 3
Weissman et al. 2001 [40] US Cross-sectional 2626 65.3% Mediating factors 4
Godkin et al. 2003 [41] US Non-controlled trial 146 83.4% Effectiveness of an educational intervention 3
Tavernier et al. 2003 [42] US Cross-sectional 775 26.3% Mediating factors 4
Schwartz & Loten, 2004 [43] NZ, US Cross-sectional 1015 NA Change in MS-ATU 4
Wilson et al. 2004 [44] US Cross-sectional 784 57% Change in MS-ATU 4
Woloschuk et al. 2004 [45] CA Cohort 198 52.5% Change in MS-ATU 2
Ko et al. 2005 [20] US Controlled trial 1088 93.6% Effectiveness of an educational intervention 2
Cox et al. 2006 [46] US Randomized trial 100 93% Effectiveness of an educational intervention 1
Godkin et al. 2006 [47] US Controlled trial 196 98.0% Change in MS-ATU + Effectiveness of an educational intervention 2
Buchanan et al. 2007 [48] US Non-controlled trial 25 100% Effectiveness of an educational intervention 3
Crandall et al. 2007 [49] US Cohort 110 71% Change in MS-ATU + Effectiveness of an educational intervention 2
Ko et al. 2007 [50] US Case-control 1071 100% Effectiveness of an educational intervention + Mediating factors 3
Crandall et al. 2008 [51] US Cohort 110 100% Change in MS-ATU 2
Dyrbye et al. 2010 [52] US Cross-sectional 2682 61% Mediating factors 4
Huang & Malinow, 2010 [53] US Non-controlled trial 46 100% Effectiveness of an educational intervention 3
Wayne et al. 2011 [54] US Cohort 313 59% Change in MS-ATU 2
Scheu et al. 2012 [55] US Non-controlled trial 274 75% Effectiveness of an educational intervention 3
Boscardin et al. 2014 [56] US Cohort 7631 58.8% Mediating factors 2
Caulfield et al. 2014 [57] US Cross-sectional 13,867 74.2% Mediating factors 4
Smith et al. 2014 [58] US Non-controlled trial 914 97.9% Effectiveness of an educational intervention 3
Borracci et al. 2015 [59] AR Cross-sectional 354 88.5% Mediating factors 4
Cox et al. 2015 [60] US Randomized controlled trial 137 88% Effectiveness of an educational intervention 1
Jilani et al. 2015 [18] US Cross-sectional 297 67% Change in MS-ATU 4
Girotti et al. 2015 [61] US Case-control 297 36% Effectiveness of an educational intervention 3
Larkins et al. 2015 [62] AU, BE, CA, PH, ZA, SD Case-control 944 88.9% Effectiveness of selection strategies 3
Stephens et al. 2015 [63] US Cross-sectional 170 35% Change in MS-ATU 4
Laraque Arena et al. 2016 [64] US Cross-sectional 1223 57% Mediating factors 4
Leung et al. 2016 [65] US Non-controlled trial 48 72% Effectiveness of an educational intervention 3
Gatell et al. 2017 [66] US Cross-sectional 393 66% Mediating factors 4
Griffin et al. 2017 [14] AU Cohort 351 94.6% Mediating factors 2
O’Connell et al. 2017 [67] US Cohort 564 70.4% Change in MS-IWU + mediating factors 2
Puddey et al. 2017 [68] AU Cross-sectional 2829 89.8% Mediating factors 4
Tran et al. 2017 [69] US Controlled trial 128 NA Effectiveness of an educational intervention 2
Briggs et al. 2018 [70] US Controlled trial 42 88% Effectiveness of an educational intervention 2
Garcia et al. 2018 [71] US Cross-sectional 40,846 100% Change in MS-IWU + Mediating factors 4
Kost et al. 2018 [72] US Case-control 158 77% Effectiveness of an educational intervention 3
Larkins et al. 2018 [21] AU, BE, CA, PH, ZA, SD Controlled trial 3346 76.2% Effectiveness of an educational intervention 2
Wolley et al. 2018 [73] PH Case-control 492 45.5% Effectiveness of selection strategies 3
Burkhardt et al. 2019 [74] US Cross-sectional 17,067 91% Mediating factors 4
Godfrey et al. 2019 [75] US Non-controlled trial 59 84% Effectiveness of an educational intervention 3
Heller et al. 2019 [76] ZA Non-controlled trial 52 NA Effectiveness of an educational intervention 3
Jacobs et al. 2019 [77] US Non-controlled trial 11 50% Effectiveness of an educational intervention 3
Phelan et al. 2019 [78] US Cohort 3756 64.5% Change in MS-IWU 2

a The quality of included studies was measured using the rating scheme modified from the Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine23: the score is based on the design of the study (1 = randomized trial; 2 = controlled trial without randomization; 3 = case-control study or retrospective cohort study; 4 = cross-sectional study or case series)

Abbreviations: MS-ATU Medical students attitudes toward the underserved; MS-IWU Medical students intention to work with the underserved; AR Argentina; AU Australia; BE Belgium; CA Canada; NZ New Zealand; PH Philippines; ZA South Africa; SD = Sudan; US United States of America