Table 5.
Results of PRISMA Showing the Impact of Perinatal Marijuana and Perinatal Alcohol in the Hippocampal Formation of Adult Rats and Mice. A/M Indicates if the Perinatal Exposure is Alcohol(A) or Marijuana(M). M and F in the “Main Finding” Column Indicate When There are Sex Differences in the Results. Exposure and Test Ages are Reported as Embryonic (E) Days of Age or Postnatal (P) Days of Age.
A/M | Exposure Age | Model | Sex | Test Age | What was Investigated? | Marker/ Stain Used | Hippocampal Subregion | Main Finding | |
1 | A | P2-P9 | Mouse | MF | P90 | GABA Interneurons | Venus-VGAT | CA1 | Decreased in M |
CA3 | Decreased in M | ||||||||
GCL | Decreased in MF | ||||||||
Hilus | Decreased in M | ||||||||
2 | A | E7-E21 | Rat | M | P60 | Type 2b INP to Immature Granule Neuron | DCX | CA1 CA2 + 3 |
No Change No Change |
DG | No Change | ||||||||
3 | M | E10.5–E17.5 | Mouse | MF | P20-P60 | Cannabinoid receptor type 1 | CB1R | CA1 | Decrease in M |
Cholecystokinin interneurons | CCK | CA1 | Decrease in M | ||||||
4 | A | E1–21 | Rat | M | P78–82 | Dividing Cells | BrdU | DG | No Change |
Type 2b INP to IGN | DCX | DG | No Change | ||||||
Dividing Cells | Ki-67 | DG | No Change | ||||||
P115 | Dividing Cells | BrdU, P80 | DG | Decrease | |||||
Type 2b INP to IGN | DCX | DG | No Change | ||||||
5 | A | E1-P9 | Rat | MF | P386 | Type 2b INP to IGN | DCX | DG | Decrease in F |
Dividing Cells | Ki-67 | DG | No Change | ||||||
6 | A | P4–9 | Rat | MF | P60 | Dividing Cells | BrdU 2 hours | DG | No Change |
Dividing Cells | Ki-67 | DG | No Change | ||||||
Type 2b INP to Mature Granule Neuron | NeuroD | DG | Decrease | ||||||
P90 | Dividing Cells | BrdU P60 | DG | No Change | |||||
Dividing Cells | Ki-67 | DG | No Change | ||||||
Type 2b INP to Mature Granule Neuron | NeuroD | DG | Decrease | ||||||
7 | A | P4–9 | Rat | M | P80 | Dividing Cells | BrdU | DG | Decrease |
P50 | Dividing Cells | BrdU | DG | No Change | |||||
P50 | Dividing Cells | Ki-67 | DG | No Change | |||||
8 | A | E9–20 | Rat | M | P84 | GABAergic Mature Neurons | NeuN and GAD67 | CA3 | Increase |
DG | Increase | ||||||||
Glutamatergic Mature Neuron | NeuN and Glutamate | CA3 DG |
Decrease Decrease |
9 | A | E7-E17 | Mouse | MF | P56 | Type 2b INP to Immature Granule Neuron | DCX | DG | Decrease |
Dividing Cells | Ki-67 | DG | No Change | ||||||
10 | A | E1–21 | Rat | M | P60–65 | Dividing Cells | BrdU | GCL | No Change |
Hilus | No Change | ||||||||
P81–86 | BrdU P60–65 | GCL | No Change | ||||||
Hilus | No Change | ||||||||
11 | M | E5.5–E17.5 | Rat | M | P120 | CB1-positive Boutons | CB1R | CA1 | Increase |
12 | A | E1–21 | Rat | F | P60–65 | Dividing Cells | BrdU | GCL | No Change |
P81–86 | Dividing Cells | BrdU P60–65 | GCL | No Change | |||||
0- to 3-week-old Glia | GFAP/BrdU P60–65 | GCL | No Change | ||||||
0- to 3-week-old Mature Granule Neurons | NeuN/BrdU P60–65 | GCL | No Change | ||||||
13 | M | E10.5–E18.5 | Mouse | MF | P30 | Caudal Ganglionic Eminence–derived Interneurons |
GFP (5HT3AR-GFP transgenic line) | DG/Hilar Border | Decrease |
Medial Ganglionic Eminence–derived Interneurons |
GFP (NKX2.1-cre: RCE-GFP transgenic line) |
DG/Hilar Border | No Change |
CA1, cornu ammonis area 1; CA2, cornu ammonis area 2; CA3, cornu ammonis area 3; DG, dentate gyrus; GABA, gamma-aminobutyric acid; GCL, granule cell layer; IGN, Immature granule neurons; INP, Immature Neural Progenitor.
Marker purposes are as follows: BrdU, bromodeoxyuridine, a thymidine analogue that labels DNA synthesis; CB1R, cannabinoid receptor type 1; DCX, doublecortin, a neuronal migration protein; GAD67, glutamate decarboxylase 67 kilodalton isoform; GFP, green fluorescent protein; Ki-67, antigen Ki-67, a marker of proliferation; NeuN, neuronal nuclei, a mature neuron marker; NeuroD, neurogenic differentiation factor 2, a marker of type 2b immature up to mature granule neurons; Venus-VGAT, a transgenic construct that labels GABAergic neurons.
Bird et al. (2018); 2. Elibol-Can et al. (2014); 3. de Salas-Quiroga et al. (2020); 4. Gil-Mohapel et al. (2011); 5. Gil-Mohapel et al. (2014); 6. Hamilton et al. (2011); 7. Klintsova et al. (2007); 8. Lu et al. (2018); 9. Olateju et al. (2018); 10. Sliwowska et al. (2010); 11. Tortoriello et al. (2014); 12. Uban et al. (2010); 13. Vargish et al. (2017).