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. 2021 Feb 2;2(2):e49–e50. doi: 10.1016/S2666-5247(20)30223-8


Germ theory and COVID-19-CSS as threshold concepts in medicine

Description of criterion for a threshold concept Germ theory COVID-19-CSS
Transformative The learner or practitioner's understanding of a subject is transformed; the threshold concept is a portal of entry into a new, previously inaccessible way of thinking about the subject Specific microbes cause specific diseases transformed the 19th century understanding of transmissible disease Treating the maladaptive host immune response in addition to the microbe is a transformative concept
Troublesome Involves knowledge that is often alien, confronting, or counterintuitive; drastically alters one's perception of how that piece of the world works That microscopic organisms are responsible for human disease Immunosuppression in acute infection is counterintuitive, and on the surface, contradicts traditional medical teaching
Irreversible Once learned, a threshold concept cannot be unlearned. Subject experts might not recall their own difficulties in grasping a threshold concept and underestimate why it is problematic for novices Theories such as miasmas (poisoned air) and abiogenesis (simple life arising from non-living material) receded Ongoing work will refine the definition and treatment of COVID-19-CSS
Integrative Brings together different aspects of the subject that previously did not seem (to the learner or practitioner) to be related. Connections between different subjects that were previously hidden are revealed Koch's postulates integrated findings from Ehrlich, Löeffler, and others to establish a causative relationship between a microbe and a particular disease Integrates established concepts (eg, EBV-HLH) with current concepts (COVID-19-CSS or COVID-19 hyperinflammation)
Bounded The concept is limited by boundaries with other concepts and by disciplinary boundaries Germ theory was inaccurately applied to other diseases such as Hodgkin lymphoma Non-microbial CSSs (eg, GVHD, CART CRS) have limited applicability to COVID-19-CSS
Discursive Crossing a conceptual threshold involves enhancement and extension of discipline-specific language Numerous neologisms arose; microbiology, bacteriology, vaccines COVID-19 cytokine storm syndrome; COVID-19 hyperinflammation; pathological immune activation
Reconstitutive The learner or practitioner's understanding is reconfigured according to the new understanding Helped usher in the modern era of scientific medicine Identifying maladaptive immune responses will probably apply to other microbial diseases
Liminal Learners occupy a transitional liminal space characterised by oscillation between old and new conceptual understandings Germ theory was fiercely debated for many years before it was widely accepted The entire discipline of medicine has been in a liminal space during the current pandemic, with ongoing controversies surrounding the definition and significance of COVID-19-CSS

CSS=cytokine storm syndrome. EBV-HLH=Epstein-Barr virus-associated haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. GVHD=graft-versus-host disease. CART CRS=chimeric antigen receptor associated cytokine release syndrome.