Extended Data 1. Gating strategy for phenotypic analysis of peripheral blood lymphocytes from healthy donors (HD) and P. falciparum-infected patients (Pf).
a, PBMCs were stained with the Live/Dead viability dye and antibodies to CD3, CD4, CD8, TCRδ2 and CD56. Single live cells were gated on SSC-A vs FSC-A and dead cells were excluded. Lymphocyte subpopulations were gated as: CD3+CD4+ (CD4+ T cells), CD3+CD8+ (CD8+ T cells), CD3+TCRδ2+ (γδ2 T cells) and CD3−CD56+ (NK). b, PBMCs co-stained for CD69, CD16 and cytotoxic effector protein expression (GNLY, PFN and GzmB) were gated on γδ2 T cells.