Extended Data 2. Gating strategy to measure RBC lysis.
a, γδ2 T cells stained with anti-γδ2-PE were purified by positive selection with anti-PE microbeads and cell purity was evaluated by flow cytometry co-staining with anti-CD3. b, Infected or uninfected RBCs were stained with CFSE prior to co-culture with γδ2 T cells. After co-culture, cells were stained with anti-CD3 (γδ2 T cells) and anti-CD235a (RBCs). An equivalent number of counting beads as CSFE-stained RBCs (before γδ2 T cell coculture) was added to each condition prior to flow cytometry acquisition. A CD3+ gate was used to exclude γδ2 T cells (top panels). A second gate on CD235a+ RBCs and beads was used to analyze CD235a+CFSE+ RBCs (bottom panels). RBC lysis was calculated as the ratio between CFSE+ cells to counting beads and then normalized to the ratio in samples without γδ2 T cells.