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. 2020 Jun 2;142(1):25–74. doi: 10.1007/s10633-020-09770-3

Table 2.

Comparison of average VEP SF limits and psychophysical thresholds in normally sighted adults using identical stimuli (see Fig. 5a)

Study Number of subjects VEP stimulus VEP SF limit (cpd) Psychophysical threshold (cpd) VEP minus psychophysical difference (log units) VEP method Psychophysical method
#54 [88] 16 Vertical sinusoidal gratings, 80%, 80 cd m−2, 15 rps, coarse-to-fine 37.5 35.1 − 0.029 Monocular, Oz–O1/O2, DFT, linear extrapolation of magnitude to 0 μV Monocular, method of ascending and descending limits, button press to indicate grating appearance/disappearance, geometric mean of 5 trials
as above but fine-to-coarse 36.3 33.3 − 0.038
#326 [36] 16 Horizontal sinusoidal gratings, 90%, 50 cd m−2, 15 rps, coarse-to-fine 38.7 (SEM 1.2) 42.4 (SEM 1.2) 0.039 Binocular, 5 occipital channels, DFT, linear extrapolation of magnitude to 0 μV Temporal, 2-alternative forced-choice, 2-down, 1-up staircase, last 10 measurements for threshold: 77% correct
#88 [20] 10 Vertical sinusoidal gratings, 40%, 40 cd m−2, 12 or 7.5 rps, 2 × 3°

26.1 (mag)

32.7 (phase)




Oz–RO/LO, DFT, linear extrapolation of magnitude or phase versus SF to noise floor Simultaneous button press at end of each VEP trial if a grating was seen; 50% threshold
#46 [116] 8 Monocular, vertical and horizontal sinusoidal gratings, 86%, 50 cd m−2, 7 rps, 2 × 3° 25 26.3 0.022 Oz–earlobe, sweep, linear extrapolation of amplitude to amplifier baseline Verbal indication when moving sensation first occurred; method of adjustment, average of 2 ascending and 2 descending limits
#89 [32] 7; 10 Vertical sinusoidal gratings, 80%, 220 cd m−2, 12 rps, 14 × 28 cm 31.9 29 − 0.041 Oz–O1/O2, DFT, linear extrapolation of magnitude to 0 μV Psychophysical CS function including 80%; ascending and descending limits, button push at threshold
#150 [22] 6 Horizontal sinusoidal gratings, 40%, 50 cd m−2, 15 rps, 6.3 × 6° 33.5 (SD 4.5) 42.5 (SD 2.6) 0.103 Oz–Cz, adaptive filter, linear extrapolation of magnitude to 0 μV (automated, “C0”) 2-alternative FC staircase, 2-down, 1-up, converge to 82% threshold, 35–60 cpd, step size 1/10 of range
#178 [14] 4 Vertical sinusoidal gratings, 80%, 0.1 cd m−2, 12 rps, @ 80 cm 2.8 4.2 0.176 Oz–lateral, DFT, linear extrapolation of magnitude to 0 μV Forced-choice 2-alternative technique using same stimulus at 80 cm, 3–5 SFs, 75% correct
as above but 100 cd m−2 25 50 0.301
#160 [29] 1 Vertical sinusoidal gratings, 80%, 46 cd m−2, 24 rps, 20 × 15° 11.3 14.6 0.111 Oz–lateral, synchronous filter, linear extrapolation of relative amplitude to 0 μV Psychophysical version of VEP stimulus, methods of adjustment, observer adjusted SF until threshold × 3
as above but square-wave gratings, 90%, 360 cd m−2, 2 × 2° 31 32 0.014
#1 [105]  not stated Red (lit) and black (off) 14 × 7 photodiode checkerboard, 2 rps, 36 × 18 mm ≈ 3.2 ≈ 7.05 or  ≈ 10.2 0.349 or 0.503 Iz–mastoid, objective time domain analysis, distance at which VEP not significant Subjects indicate the distance from which the checkerboard phase reversal is no longer perceived

Hashtag numbers indicate the 155 references whose data were included in the systematic review