Expression profiling of tea chitinase genes in a
C. gloeosporioides infected, b
D. segeticola infected, c
E. oblique infested, d
E. vexans infected and e Leafhopper infested tea plants. Sample abbreviations: ALC: Anthracnose “Longjing43” variety control, AZC: Anthracnose “Zhenong 139” variety control, ALE: Anthracnose “Longjing 43” variety infected, AZE: Anthracnose “Zhenong 139” variety infected, DDE: D. segeticola infected tissue, DDC: D. segeticola control tissue, EOLC: E. oblique leaf control, EORC: E. oblique root control, EOL: E. oblique leaf infested, EOR: E. oblique root infested, EVSIRG: E. vexans spore inoculated tissue in resistant genotype, EVSISG: E. vexans spore inoculated tissue in susceptible genotype, EVSGRG: E. vexans spore germinated tissue in resistant genotype, EVSGSG: E. vexans spore germinated tissue in susceptible genotype, EVHRG: E. vexans haustorial development in resistant genotype, EVHSG: E. vexans haustorial development in susceptible genotype, EVSIRG: E. vexans sporulation and secondary infection in resistant genotype, EVSSISG: E. vexans sporulation and secondary infection in susceptible genotype, LHU: Leafhopper uninfested tissue, LHI: Leafhopper infested tissue, LHM: Leafhopper non-infested but mechanically wounded tissue