Anterogradely transported RUSH-TrkB carriers are negative for Rab27B, Rab3C, Rab8A, and Rab11A
(A–L) Neurons co-expressing RUSH-TrkB-GFP and labeled Rab proteins: (A–C) mRuby3-Rab27B, (D–F) mRuby3-Rab3C, (G–I) mRFP-Rab8A, and (J–L) mRFP-Rab11A. Neurons were live imaged in the soma area immediately after addition of biotin for 45 min at 1 frame/min (A, D, G, and J), and then we imaged for 5 min at 1 s/frame at the proximal axon during a time window of 45–90 min after addition of biotin (C, F, I, and L). Plots show RUSH-TrkB and Rab proteins intensities in the peri-nuclear Golgi region over time in representative neurons (B, E, H, and K). Kymographs of RUSH-TrkB-GFP and respective Rab proteins motility in individual axons (C, F, I, and L).