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. 2021 Jan 5;11(4):1177–1197. doi: 10.1016/j.jcmgh.2020.12.013

Table 2.

Summary of Clinical Trials Using Antioxidants in Patients Diagnosed With CRC

Trial characteristic Population Subjects Intervention; duration Outcome summary Conclusion Reference, year
Randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled (ATBC study) Male smokers of southwestern Finland; age: 50–69 y n=29,133 Oral alpha-tocopherol (50 mg/day) or beta-carotene (20 mg/day) or combination of both; 5–8 y CRC incidence was modestly lower but not significant in alpha-tocopherol group (RR = 0.78; 95% CI, 0.55–1.09); beta-carotene had no effect on CRC incidence (RR = 1.05; 95% CI, 0.75–1.47) No response on CRC incidence in older male smokers 138, 2000
Randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled (ATBC study) Male smokers of southwestern Finland; age: 50–69 y N=15,538 Oral alpha-tocopherol (50 mg/day) or beta-carotene (20 mg/day) or combination of both; 6.3 y Alpha-tocopherol increased the risk of adenoma (RR = 1.66; 95% CI, 1.19–2.32); beta-carotene had no effect on adenoma risk (RR = 0.98; 95% CI, 1.71–1.35) Negative response; alpha-tocopherol increased the risk of adenoma; however, beta-carotene had no effect on adenoma in older male smokers 139, 1999
Randomized, controlled clinical trial Patients post-removal of at least 1 colonic adenoma n=864 Oral beta carotene (25 mg/day) or vitC (1 g/day) and vitE (400 mg/day); 4 y RR for beta carotene was 1.01 (95% CI, 0.85–1.20) and for vitC and E was 1.08 (95% CI, 0.91–1.29) No response; neither treatment was effective in prevention of any subtype of polyp irrespective of size and location 114, 1994
Prospective interventional study Patients previously diagnosed with colorectal adenomas; age: 50–76 y n= 116 Oral antioxidants and calcium tablet once daily that contains beta-carotene (15 mg), vitC (150 mg), vitE (75 mg), selenium (101 μg), and calcium (1.6 g); 3 y No difference was detected in growth of adenomas between treated and placebo groups; significantly lower number of patients free of new adenomas in placebo group compared with treated group No response on polyp growth; positive response on protection from developing new adenoma 140, 1998
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Patients with history of sporadic colorectal adenoma; age: 30–74 y n=47 Oral antioxidant micronutrient cocktail delivering vitE (800 mg), beta-carotene (24 mg), vitC (1 g), selenium (200 μg), riboflavin (7.2 mg), niacin (80 mg), zinc (60 mg), and manganese (5 mg) per day; 4 mo TNF-α decreased by 37% and cystine decreased by 19% in antioxidants treatment group relative to placebo; interleukin 6 and F2-isoprostane levels decreased in antioxidant-treated nonsmokers but increased in smokers Positive response only in nonsmoker subjects; an antioxidant micronutrient cocktail decreased the level of oxidants and inflammation only in nonsmokers 141, 2010
Randomized, controlled study Patients with colonic polypectomy; mean age: 59.2 y n=255 Oral vitamins tablet containing vitC (1 g/day), vitA (30,000 IU/day), and vitE (70 mg/day); ∼5 y Percentage of recurrence of adenomas was 5.7% in vitamins group compared with 35.9% in untreated group Positive response; vitamins treatment lowered recurrence rate of colonic adenomas 142, 1993
Randomized, double-blind trial Patients post-removal of at least 1 colonic adenoma n=200 Oral vitC (400 mg/day) and vitE (400 mg/day); 2 y Difference in incidence of polyp recurrence was small in treated group compared with placebo (RR = 0.86; 95% CI) Positive response (small effect); small reduction in rate of polyp recurrence with vitamin supplement 143, 1988
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Patients with advanced colonic adenocarcinoma n=100 Oral vitC (10 g/day) as capsule; 2 y No benefit with high-dose vitC either as disease progression or survival compared with placebo No response on either overall survival or progression of advanced CRC 144, 1985
Pilot study Patients with terminal cancer including colon cancer; age: 32–93 y n=100 vitC treated and 1000 control subjects VitC; 10 g/day IV for 10 days followed by 10 g/day oral; ∼ 210 days Survival was about 4.2 times greater in treated group (∼210 days) compared with control group (∼50 days) Positive response on overall survival; treatment with vitC increased survival time by about 3 times in terminal cancer patients 145, 1976
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Patients with large bowel adenoma/polyposis coli; age: 20–63 y n=36 Oral vitC (3 g/day); ∼2 y Reduction in both number and area of rectal polyps in vitC group at 9 months of follow-up Positive response (temporary, only at 9 months of follow-up) on reduction of polyp growth and turnover 112, 1982
Phase 1 open-label, single-center, dose escalation, and speed-expansion study Metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) or gastric cancer (mGC); age: 18–75 y n=36 VitC infusion in dose escalation (0.2–1.5 g/kg) and in speed expansion study (1.5 g/kg) once daily for 3 days in 14-day cycle in combination with mFOLFOX6 or FOLFIRI; 12 cycles Maximum tolerated dose of vitC not achieved; recommended phase 2 dose of vitC at 1.5 g/kg/day was established; response rate was 58.3%, and disease control rate was 95.8% in treated group Positive response as combination therapy; favorable safety profile and potential clinical efficacy were observed with combined treatment of vitC and mFOLFOX6/FOLFIRI 146, 2019
Randomized, placebo-controlled trial, Selenium and vitE Cancer Prevention Trial (SELECT) SELECT participants who underwent lower endoscopy; age: ≥50 y (African American), ≥55 y (all other men) N=8094 Oral selenium (200 μg/day) and vitE (400 IU/day); 7–12 y RR for adenoma occurrence in selenium group was 0.96 (95% CI, 0.90–1.02) and in vitE group was 1.03 (95% CI, 0.96–1.10) compared with placebo No response on colorectal adenoma occurrence 147, 2017
Randomized, placebo-controlled trial Patients post-removal of at least 1 colorectal adenoma; age: 40–80 y n=1621 Selenium (200 μg/day) as selenized yeast in combination with celecoxib (400 mg daily); ∼33 mo RR of adenoma in selenium group was 1.03 (95% CI, 0.91–1.16) compared with placebo; adenoma recurrence in patients with baseline advanced adenomas was reduced by 18% with selenium No response on colorectal adenoma formation but showed only modest benefit on adenoma recurrence 148, 2016
Randomized, placebo-controlled trial Patients with confirmed recent histories of nonmelanoma skin cancer; age: <80 y n=1312 Selenium (200 μg/day) as selenized yeast; 7.9 y Suggestive but nonsignificant decrease in risk associated with selenium on prevalent adenomas (odds ratio = 0.67; 95% CI, 0.43–1.05); significant reduced risk was observed in subjects with lowest baseline selenium and current smokers Positive response only in subjects with low baseline selenium or smoking habit 149, 2006
Randomized double-blind placebo-controlled Post-polypectomy (colonic) patients; age: 29–83 y n=411 One tablet daily composed of 200 μg selenium, 30 mg zinc, 2 mg vitA, 180 mg vitC, and 30 mg vitE; 5 y A 39% reduction in risk of adenoma recurrence with intervention compared with placebo; similar risk reduction was also observed in small tubular and advanced recurrent adenomas Positive response on adenoma recurrence 150, 2013
Randomized, placebo-controlled, prospective trial Patients post-surgical resection of colon or rectal adenocarcinoma; age: 50–75 y n=24 Oral zinc capsules (70 mg/day) in combination with capecitabine or capecitabine with oxaliplatin/5-fluorouracil; 16 weeks No change in plasma level of vitC, vitE, MDA, or 8-isoprostane but increased SOD activity in zinc-treated group compared with placebo No response on lipid peroxidation markers but improved SOD activity in zinc-treated group 151, 2016
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Patients with familial adenomatous polyposis; age: 18–85 y n=44 Oral curcumin (3000 mg/day); 12 mo No significant difference in mean polyp number or size was observed between curcumin and placebo-treated groups No response on polyp number and size in FAP patients 152, 2018
Randomized, open-labelled, controlled trial Patients with metastatic colorectal cancer; age: >18 y n=28 Oral curcumin C3 complex/d (2 g/day) in combination with FOLFOX; ∼24 weeks Daily oral supplementation of curcumin to FOLFOX chemotherapy was safe and tolerable; no significant difference between arms for quality of life or neurotoxicity No response on quality of life, but curcumin could be safe and tolerable adjunct to FOLFOX chemotherapy in patients with metastatic CRC 153, 2019
Single-center prospective randomized open-labelled Patients with colonic polypectomy; age: 19–85 y n=176 Oral GTE as tablet (0.9 g/day) equivalent to 0.6 g/day of catechin or 0.2 g/day of EGCG; 12 mo Decreased incidence of metachronous adenoma and number of relapsed adenomas in GTE group Positive response on metachronous colorectal adenomas 154, 2018
Pilot study Patients with colonic polypectomy; age: 20–80 y n=136 Oral GTE as tablet (1.5 g/day); 12 mo Decreased incidence of metachronous adenoma and smaller size of relapsed adenomas in GTE group Positive response on metachronous colorectal adenoma 155, 2008
Prospective cohort study Patients with resected colon cancer or polypectomy; age: median age 74 and 77 for treated and control groups, respectively n=87 Oral flavonoid mixture consists of apigenin (20 mg) and epigallocathechin-gallat (20 mg) daily; 4 y Recurrence rate for neoplasia was 7% in treated group compared with 47% in control group Positive response with long-term treatment on recurrence rate of colon neoplasia 156, 2008
Randomized, placebo-controlled trial Patients with previous adenomatous colonic polyps n=64 Oral NAC (800 mg/day) as capsule; 12 weeks Proliferative index of colonic epithelial cells was reduced in NAC group in comparison with placebo group Positive response on reducing colonic epithelium hyperproliferation; could be a chemopreventive agent in human colon cancer 157, 1999
Randomized and controlled Patients with gastrointestinal cancer undergoing major abdominal surgery n=33 NAC (1200 mg/day) through parenteral nutrition starting from 2 days before surgery until fifth post-surgery day; 7 days Reduced plasma MDA but higher ratio of reduced to oxidized glutathione in NAC group; no change in plasma level of vitA, vitC, or vitE but reduction in urinary nitrate level with NAC treatment Positive response on reducing oxidant and improving antioxidant parameters in cancer patients undergoing major abdominal surgery 158, 2015

ATBC, Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention Study; CI, confidence interval; EGCG, (-)-epigallocatechin gallate; GTE, green tea extract; MDA, malondialdehyde; RR, relative risk.