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. 2021 Feb 11;14(4):34. doi: 10.3892/br.2021.1410

Table I.

Clinicopathological characteristics of the patients.

A, All cases, n=482
Characteristic Number/mean (SD)
Sex, female/male  
     Female 281
     Male 201
Age, years 66.29 (14.3)
Height, m 1.584 (0.096)
Body weight, kg 60.003 (14.142)
BMI, kg/m2 23.79 (4.6)
Liver disease  
     AIH 24
     AL 31
     HBV 97
     HCV 18
Complicated malignancy disease  
     CCC 1
     HCC 12
     Gastric cancer 2
     Pancreatic cancer 5
     RCC 1
Diabetes mellitus 80
Total bilirubin, mg/dla 1.068 (3.589)
Albumin, g/dlb 4.324 (3.145)
Prothrombin time, %c 102.65 (17.8)
Prothrombin time, INRd 1.007 (0.159)
Hepatic encephalopathyi  
     1 477
     2 5
     3 0
     1 467
     2 14
     3 1
Cr, mg/le 0.93 (0.996)
Cr-eGFR, ml/min/1.73 m2 67.51 (20.636)
CysC, mg/f 1.188 (0.875)
CysC-eGFR, ml/min/1.73 m2 68.05 (25.731)
Platelets, x104/µlg 18.66 (7.1)
AST, U/lh 42.317 (57.25)
AL, U/l 38.8 (52.6)
CPS 5.158 (0.642)
     A 463
     B 17
     C 2
MELD 7.574 (2.428)
FIB-4 2.901 (2.597)
ALBI -2.923 (2.671)
ALBIG 370/103/9
GS, kg 19.76 (9.57)
GS low/normal  
     Low 285
     Normal 197
Sarcopenia Index 77.02 (30.7)
CBMM 35.54 (8.39)
Sarcopenia/normal, CBMM 168/310
deGFR -0.109 (18.55)
SARC-F 1.589 (2.05)
Sarcopenia/normal, SARC-F 85/397
B, Patients who underwent an evaluation of body composition, n=273
Factors Number/mean (SD)
SM, cm2 104.4 (27.08)
IMAT, cm2 7.356 (0.445)
VAT, cm2 112.86 (88.68)
SAT, cm2 129.92 (82.32)
MA, HU 30.21 (7.491)
SMI, cm2/m2 41.42 (8.167)
Low SMI/normal 120/153
Sarcopenia 96

aTotal bilirubin normal range, 0.3-1.2;

balbumin normal range, 3.8-5.2;

cprothrombin time (%), normal range 70-130 and INR normal range, 0.85-1.15;

dCr normal range males, 0.61-1.04 and females 0.47-0.79;

eCysC normal range males, 0.63-0.95 and females 0.56-0.87;

fplatelets normal range males, 13.1-36.2 and females, 13-36.9;

gAST, 10-40;

hALT, 5-40.

iAscites and hepatic encephalopathy grades: 1, absent; 2 controllable; and 3, uncontrollable. BMI, body mass index; AIH, autoimmune hepatitis; AL, ; HBV, hepatitis B virus; HCV, hepatitis C virus; INR, international normalized ratio; Cr, creatinine; eGFRP, estimated glomerular filtration rate; CysC, cystatic C; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; AL, alcoholic liver disease; CPS, Child-Pugh score; CPG, CPS grade; MELD, The model for end-stage liver disease; FIB-4, fibrosis -4; ALBI, albumin bilirubin index; ALBIG, ALBI grade; GS, grip strength; CBMM, calculated body muscle mass; deGFR, difference in eGFPR; SM, skeletal muscle; IMAT, intramuscular adipose tissue; VAT, visceral adipose tissue; SAT, subcutaneous; MA, muscle attenuation; HU, Housefield units; SMI, SM index; CCC, cholangiocellular carcinoma; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; RCC, renal cell carcinoma; SD, standard deviation.