Brain regions with significant activation in the contrast matching after negative feedback (MNF) vs. matching after positive feedback (MPF), corresponding to executing the set-shift. A) healthy controls (HC) and B) Parkinson’s disease patients (PD) without mild behavioral impairment (MBI, PD-noMBI). For the PD with MBI (PD-MBI) group, there was no significant activation. Red-to-yellow color means more activation in the MNF than MPF. C) Brain regions showing significant reduced activity in the PD-MBI group compared with HC. D) Brain regions showing significant correlation with MBI-C total score during executing the set-shift after controlling for Montreal cognitive assessment (MoCA). The number under each slice is z-coordinate for the axial slice and x-coordinate for the sagittal slice. Rh, right hemisphere; Lh, left hemisphere. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)