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. 2021 Jan 21;18(3):915. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18030915

Table 1.

Semi-structured interview guide.

Introduction into Study Aim; Obtaining Informed Consent
How long have you been working in obstetrics?
What was your reason to pursue this profession, this field of activity?
  • Especially nice experiences?

  • Unpleasant experiences?

  • Main differences to other clinical fields?

From your point of view, how did the requirements change in the course of your professional life with regard to colleagues, superiors, and clinic management?
  • Interdisciplinarity?

  • Hierarchy/ support or hindrance?

  • Role assignment/ allocation of responsibilities?

How did the demands of the mother/ patient and family members change in the course of your professional life?
To what extent does it happen that you get disappointed with superiors, colleagues, or patients?
How do you cope with stressful situations at work?
  • Talking to colleagues, to partners at home, silent suffering?

  • Structured debriefing at work?

The core of the research study was about triggers regarding avoidable adverse events, which can lead to long-lasting consequences for mother and/ or newborn.
  • To what extent are you familiar with such issues from everyday hospital life?

  • In general, how do you deal with such challenges? (silent suffering, asking for collegial support)

  • Blaming or supporting the staff involved?

Concerning safe communication: from your personal view, what does it require to ensure mutual understanding in everyday life?
  • To what extent is this given in daily practice and when does it typically happen?

  • What is missing among the colleagues to treat the women giving birth well and to care for the whole family?

  • What would optimal communication look like for you?

Hierarchy gradient: There is evidence that greater hierarchy between the occupational groups is related to less willingness to point out possible errors when working together.
  • How do you see this?

Autonomy: To what extent do you have the opportunity to shape the work processes, i.e., to make suggestions for improvements?
Wishes: Which improvements or changes in the daily work routine could you think of to improve communication?
Which other comments or questions do you have?
Thanks for your openness and your time!