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. 2020 Jul 29;36:230. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2020.36.230.21349

Table 2.

knowledge, attitude and practice of study participants on traditional cauterization

Question Response Frequency (N) Percent (%)
Cauterization is generally safe Agree 289 33.6
Neutral 216 25.2
Disagree 353 41.2
Do you think cauterization cures? Yes 394 45.9
No 368 42.9
Don't know 96 11.2
Traditional cauterization can transmit communicable diseases like HIV Agree 239 26.5
Neutral 199 22.1
Disagree 420 46.6
Do you agree with your community's support of cauterization? Agree 287 33.4
Neutral 202 23.5
Disagree 369 43.0
Do you plan to use traditional cautery in the future? Yes 156 18.2
No 603 70.4
Don't know 98 11.4
Do you think there are diseases that can be cured by cautery? Yes 523 61.0
No 274 31.9
Don't know 61 7.1
Do you believe traditional cautery practice should be stopped? Agree 460 53.6
Neutral 152 17.7
Disagree 246 28.7
Tools used for traditional cauterization? Metal rod 831 92.3
Wood/thorn 104 11.6
Knife 66 7.3
Don't know 16 1.8
Did the traditional healers use same cauterant? Yes 411 47.9
No 125 14.6
Don't know 322 37.5
Did they sterilize the cauterant after the procedure? Yes 402 46.9
No 62 7.2
Don't know 394 45.9
Tools used for sterilization Fire 271 66.9
Boiled water 120 29.6
Others (sunlight, rinsing with water) 14 3.4