Adjusted differences in children’s SRS T-scores at Ages 3 to 8 per 10-fold increase in gestational urinary monobenzyl phthalate (MBzP) concentration from 0.05–0.95 (at intervals of 0.05) quantiles of SRS T-scores: the EARLI (2009–2012) and HOME Studies (2003–2006). EARLI: Early Autism Risk Longitudinal Investigation Study, HOME: Health Outcomes and Measures of the Environment Study, SRS: Social Responsiveness Scale, mono-isobutyl phthalate; MBzP. Adjusted for maternal age (continuous), maternal race (white vs. non-white), income (<$30,000 vs. $30,000–$75,000, ≥$75,000), parity (continuous), and log10-transformed urine/serum cotinine concentrations (continuous). Note cotinine concentrations were measured in maternal urine in EARLI and serum in HOME. Positive slope for SRS indicate that maternal phthalate exposure is associated with more deficits in social responsiveness traits. Quantile sequence 0.05–0.95 by 0.05.