Fig. 2.
Pedigrees and clinical presentation of individuals with COPB1 mutations. a Family 1 includes two affected individuals IV2 and IV3. Individuals IV5, IV6 and IV7 are also suspected to have been affected with microcephaly and developmental delay. They died in early childhood and no further details were available. IV2 and IV3 have minor dysmorphism with up-slanting palpebral fissures. b Family 2 includes four affected individuals from two nuclear families all from the same Saudi tribe. c Gel electrophoresis of RT PCR amplicons in Family 1 demonstrates 2 bands in the homozygous state (IV2, an affected individual) and in the heterozygous state (III1, an unaffected parent). d Electropherograms of band A and band B from the heterozygous parent and homozygous proband. In the proband’s trace, a G has effectively been deleted due to the creation of a new donor site by the G>T mutation. In band B, Exon 8 has been skipped (proband and parent)