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. 2021 Feb 26;21:82. doi: 10.1186/s12905-021-01234-3

Table 2.

Percentage of observed counseling on obstetric danger signs, and percentage of women reporting receiving the counseling, together with reported percent agreement and Cohen’s κ statistics in each province of the DRC

Province of residence Providers observed counseling on danger signs % (95% CI) Women reported receiving the counseling %(95% CI) Percent agreement on counselinga Percent of positive agreement on counselingb Cohen's κ
Bandundu 9.5 (5.9–14.7) 14.9 (9.4–22.8) 79.9 (71.2–86.5) 2.1 (1.0–4.5) 0.052
Bas Congo 34.2 (14.2–62.1) 38.9 (18.8–63.6) 75.0 (62.1–84.6) 24.1 (6.7–58.3) 0.387
Equateur 22.1 (16.2–29.3) 26.6 (21.6–32.4) 68.7 (61.7–74.9) 8.7 (5.7–13.0) 0.174
Kasai Occidental 30.9 (19.6–45.2) 14.5 (8.2–24.3) 62.2 (50.6–72.6) 3.9 (1.5–9.7) − 0.107
Kasai Oriental 16.0 (9.9–24.7) 10.8 (6.1–18.4) 78.5 (69.3–85.5) 2.6 (1.2–5.8) 0.106
Katanga 31.1 (22.9–40.6) 25.6 (17.2–36.3) 69.2 (60.9–76.5) 12.9 (7.3–22.0) 0.235
Kinshasa 14.9 (8.9–24.0) 24.1 (16.1–34.5) 70.7 (61.1–78.7) 4.8 (2.6–8.7) 0.069
Maniema 42.8 (23.4–64.6) 35.3 (25.0–47.2) 65.4 (50.4–77.9) 21.8 (10.2–40.4) 0.326
Nord Kivu 69.8 (55.7–80.9) 37.9 (24.5–53.5) 57.8 (44.6–69.9) 32.7 (19.8–48.9) 0.238
Sud Kivu 59.3 (43.7–73.2) 44.2 (27.4–62.4) 75.8 (65.1–84.0) 39.7 (23.9–57.9) 0.383
Oriental 21.0 (13.8–30.7) 19.2 (13.5–26.6) 70.9 (62.3–78.1) 5.5 (2.9–10.2) 0.168
Overall 34.7 (30.7–38.9) 28.4 (24.1–33.1) 70.7 (67.5–73.7) 16.9 (13.0–21.6) 0.219

aAgreement between the observation of counseling on danger signs and the woman’s report in the exit interview

bBoth the observation of ANC consultation and woman’s report agreed that the counseling was performed