Control (A) and mutant (B-F) sperm cells, as well as control (G) and mutant (H-L) respiratory cells were double-labeled with antibodies directed against acetylated α tubulin (green) and the outer dynein arm intermediate chain DNAI1 (red). Both antibodies co-localize along the flagella and cilia in cells from the healthy control (yellow, A, G). In all mutant sperm cells, DNAI1 is not detected along the flagellar axoneme (B-F). In mutant respiratory cells of OP-146 II3 (H) and OP-6 II5 (I), DNAI1 is retained in the proximal ciliary length, whereas in mutant cells of OP-3399 (J), OP-3141 (K) and OP-2334 (L) DNAI1 displayed no immunoreactivity along the ciliary axoneme. Nuclei are stained with Hoechst33342 (blue). Scale bars represent 10 μm.