A) MBON30 receives strong input from MBON05, a feedforward glutamatergic MBON, through three distinct axo-dendritic paths: inside the γ1 and γ2 compartments (260 synapses); inside the γ3 and γ4 compartments (140 synapses); and outside the MB lobes (283 synapses). The locations of synapses used in each of these three connections are shown. Note that in the connectivity diagram in
Figure 24, the arrow represents all 400 synapses that occur in either the γ1 and γ2 compartments (260) or in the γ3 and γ4 compartments (140). (
B) MBON30 receives strong input from the FB mediated by the FB2-5RUB cell type which has nine columnar cells. The connection occurs inside the RUB. MBON30 is the only MBON that has input from an FB cell type among its top 10 inputs.