Scatter plot of DAN input similarity (data from
Figure 27) and MBON output similarity (data from
Figure 16, collapsed by compartment). Each point represents a pair of compartments; notable pairs are labeled in the figure. DAN input similarity is defined as the cosine similarity of the inputs to the DANs of two compartments. MBON output similarly measures the cosine similarity of the outputs from the MBONs in those compartments. The relationship between the two similarity measures indicates that compartments whose MBONs project to similar downstream targets have DANs that receive similar inputs. This structure suggests a form of ‘credit assignment’ in which compartments whose MBONs control similar behaviors also receive similar reinforcement signals. Results are shown for compartments whose MBONs express excitatory (top, ACh) or putatively inhibitory (bottom, GABA, and Glu) neurotransmitters.