Figure 32. Morphologically distinct subtypes of PAM12-DANs share inputs with either PPL1 or PAM DANs.
(A) The four PAM12-md DANs (maroon) innervate the γ3 compartment (brown) of the MB (gray ). (B) The PAM12-dd subtype (green) has additional dorsal dendritic branches (hollow arrowhead) not found in PAM12-md. A seventh PAM12-dd that lacked its ipsilateral axon was excluded from the analysis. (C) The axonal fields of PAM12-md and PAM12-dd DAN subtypes tile the γ3 compartment (brown), suggesting they modulate different downstream neuronal connections (see Figure 30 and Figure 39 for further analyses and discussion). (D–F) Strong inputs (see Figure 31) to PAM12-md also specifically synapse onto positive-valence PAM DANs, whereas PAM12-dd shares inputs with negative-valence PPL1 DANs; synapse numbers are given in parentheses. Circled number in the upper right of each panel refers to the input cluster number in Figure 31. (D) Cluster 6 collectively provides the strongest dendritic input to PAM12-md DANs (blue dots) and is also the strongest input to two DAN subtypes innervating γ4, PAM08-uc DANs (yellow dots) and canonical (can) PAM07-can (green dots). In addition, cluster 6 connects to other PAM08-DANs, but excludes the lower commissure (lc) subtype. (E) A single, morphologically distinct neuron (cluster 2) connects to the positive valence PAM12-dd (blue dots) and the negative-valence PPL101 (γ1pedc) (orange dots) and PPL102 (γ1; yellow dots). (F) This single (cluster 1) neuron provides the strongest dendritic input to positive-valence PAM12-dd (blue dots) and the negative-valence PPL101 (γ1pedc; orange dots) and also synapses onto PPL102 (γ1; yellow dots) DANs. Connections contributing less than 1% of a neuron’s total dendritic input have been excluded. See Figure 32—figure supplement 1 for further morphological details.