Neurons providing strong input to DANs of the PAM cluster are shown. Neuropil areas indicated (gray) and synapses to DANs are color-coded ; synapse numbers are given in parentheses. (
A-A′) The seven neurons of
cluster 29 fall into seven cell types, receive inputs in the SMP and connect to PAM15-uc (γ5β′2a; orange) and the PAM13-dd (β′1ap; green). (
B-B′) The 12 neurons of
cluster 7 fall into four cell types, receive inputs in the SMP and SIP and connect strongly to PAM DANs that are restricted to the β′ (blue synapses) and the γ lobes (green synapses): PAM13 (β′1ap), PAM14 (β′1m), PAM02 (β′2a), PAM06 (β′2m), PAM05 (β′2p), PAM03 (β2β′2a) and PAM12-md (γ3), PAM08 (γ4), PAM01 (γ5), PAM(γ5β′2a). (
Cluster 32 has nine neurons of four cell types that receive some inputs in the CRE. Cluster 32 provides strong input to PAM14 (β′1) subtypes (orange synapses) and is also upstream of the PAM05-vd (β′2p) subtype (blue synapses) and all PAM13 (β′1ap) subtypes (green synapse). The threshold for connectivity is 0.5% of the DANs total inputs (
Figure 31).