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. 2021 Feb 26;7:12. doi: 10.1038/s41537-021-00142-7

Table 5.

Selected models for the clinical factors predicting sensitivity and response bias in the SCZ group.

Model specification Fixed effects b SE T p-value
dprime ~ Communicative phenomenon + Communicative phenomenon: Symptoms = DIS + (1 | I D) Sincere 2.81 0.16 17.5 <0.001
Deceit 2.15 0.16 13.3 <0.001
Irony 2.32 0.16 14.4 <0.001
Sincere: Symptoms = DIS −0.32 0.16 −1.98 0.06
Deceit: Symptoms = DIS −0.25 0.16 −1.5 0.13
Irony: Symptoms = DIS 0.49 0.16 −3.0 <0.01
Response bias
beta ~ Communicative phenomenon + Communicative phenomenon: Symptoms (CDSS) + Communicative phenomenon: Symptoms = Avl + (1 | ID) Sincere 0.79 0.11 6.95 <0.001
Deceit 1.15 0.15 7.93 <0.001
Irony 0.74 0.11 6.78 <0.001
Sincere: Symptoms = CDSS −0.01 0.10 −0.13 0.89
Deceit: Symptoms = CDSS −0.7 0.18 −0.39 0.69
Irony: Symptoms = CDSS 0.27 0.15 1.82 0.07
Sincere: Symptoms = Avl −0.26 0.14 −1.89 0.60
Deceit: Symptoms = Avl 0.13 0.16 0.87 0.38
Irony: Symptoms = Avl −0.003 0.1 −0.3 0.98

b beta regression coefficient, SE standard error, t t-value, ID participant, DIS disorganized/concrete symptoms, Avl avolition dimension, consisting of anhedonia, asociality and avolition symptoms of the Brief Negative Symptoms Scale (BNSS), CDSS Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia total score.