Fig. 2. Hv1s from S. luteus and A. oryzae are proton selective.
a Example of measurement of reversal potentials (Vrev) for SlHv1-mediated currents in the presence of a transmembrane pH gradient (ΔpH = pHo−pHi) of 0.5. Currents were measured at the indicated voltages after a depolarization step to 100 mV. Black arrowhead in inset indicates 0 pA. b Vrev as a function of ΔpH; slope of linear fit: −56 ± 4 mV/pH unit. EH, displayed in dashed line, is the Nernst potential for protons and indicates perfect proton selectivity (slope: −58.9 mV/pH unit). c Same as (a) but for AoHv1. d Same as (b) but for AoHv1; slope of linear fit: −54 ± 3 mV/pH unit. ΔpH of −0.5, 0, 0.5, and 1, in (b) and (d) correspond to the following (pHi, pHo) pairs: (6.5, 6.0), (6.0, 6.0), (6.0, 6.5), and (5.5, 6.5), respectively. Each point in (b) and (d) represents the average of 3–4 independent measurements ± SEM. Error bars are not shown where smaller than symbols.