Representative rat stomach photomacrographs that were cut along the greater curvature. (A) Control, (B) indomethacin, (C) reference drug (famotidine), (D) A. anthelmintica extract (200 mg/kg), (E) A. anthelmintica extract (100 mg/kg) representing the substantial existence of many circular and linear gastric ulcers in the indomethacin group, which were significantly reduced by the reference drug (famotidine) and the two tested doses of A. anthelmintica extract. (F) The effects of indomethacin without or with pre-treatments of famotidine, and the tested extract (A. anthelmintica, 200, 100 mg/kg) on the gastric ulcer index in rats. Statistical analyses were carried out utilizing one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post hoc test, n = 5–6, mean ± SEM. * Significantly different from control group at p < 0.05. @ Significantly different from indomethacin alone (ulcer) group at p < 0.05.