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. 2021 Jan 26;10(2):235. doi: 10.3390/plants10020235

Table 1.

Deviance tables for the logistic regression models comparing germination of seeds from different populations and climatic zones, collected in three years, in different treatments. Initial, the initial germination tested within 2 weeks after seed collection; AR, afterripening treatment (seeds germinated at 22 °C); 10 °C, untreated seeds germinated at low temperature; GA, treatment with 1.0 mM gibberellic acid (germinated at 10 °C). Germination of intact and mechanically scarified seeds collected in 2015 and germinated at 22 °C within 2 weeks after collection was analyzed separately. Df, degrees of freedom; Resid. Df, residual degrees of freedom; Resid. Dev, residual deviance.

Initial Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev p
NA NA 4499.00 2379.83 NA
Population 9 133.56 4490.00 2246.27 <0.0001
Zone 2 26.61 4488.00 2219.66 <0.0001
Year 2 63.59 4486.00 2156.07 <0.0001
Population:Zone 3 1.56 4483.00 2154.51 0.6680
Zone:Year 4 6.51 4479.00 2148.00 0.1639
Population:Year 18 191.90 4461.00 1956.09 <0.0001
AR Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev p
NA NA 4489.00 6193.94 NA
Population 9 263.56 4480.00 5930.38 <0.0001
Zone 2 111.54 4478.00 5818.83 <0.0001
Year 2 22.49 4476.00 5796.34 <0.0001
Population:Zone 3 28.44 4473.00 5767.90 <0.0001
Zone:Year 4 174.50 4469.00 5593.40 <0.0001
Population:Year 18 518.04 4451.00 5075.35 <0.0001
10 °C Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev p
NA NA 3787.00 3794.93
Population 9 137.45 3778.00 3657.48 <0.0001
Zone 2 36.56 3776.00 3620.92 <0.0001
Year 2 39.50 3774.00 3581.42 <0.0001
Population:Zone 3 14.91 3771.00 3566.51 <0.0001
Zone:Year 3 43.69 3768.00 3522.82 <0.0001
Population:Year 13 161.81 3755.00 3361.01 <0.0001
GA Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev p
NA NA 3797.00 3944.50
Population 9 273.59 3788.00 3670.91 <0.0001
Zone 2 107.54 3786.00 3563.37 <0.0001
Year 2 397.06 3784.00 3166.31 <0.0001
Population:Zone 3 51.07 3781.00 3115.25 <0.0001
Zone:Year 3 178.04 3778.00 2937.20 <0.0001
Population:Year 13 136.63 3765.00 2800.57 <0.0001
Scarification Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev p
8199.00 10904.26
Population 19 211.32 8180.00 10692.94 <0.0001
Zone 2 63.77 8178.00 10629.17 <0.0001
Treatment 1 4085.75 8177.00 6543.42 <0.0001
Population:Zone 19 210.17 8158.00 6333.26 <0.0001
Zone:Treatment 2 40.46 8156.00 6292.80 <0.0001
Population:Treatment 19 119.40 8137.00 6173.40 <0.0001