Table 1.
General descriptions of the common simulation methods applied for drug-delivery studies.
Scales | Length and Time Scales [74] | Descriptions | Formulations |
Quantum scale | ~10−10 m and ~10−12 s |
Ek: energy eigenstate Potential h: Planck constant r: coordinates vector m: mass |
Atomistic scale | ~10−9 m, ~10−9–10−6 s | A new configuration can be produced by arbitrarily or systematically moving one atom from position i and can be accepted if If the move is accepted only with a certain probability which is given by . According to Metropolis et al. [76], one can determine the new configuration according to the following rule: H: Hamiltonian kB: the Boltzmann constant : a random number between 0 and 1 |
The simulation of a many-body system would require the formulation and solution of equations of motion of all constituting particles, which for a particle i is , mi: the particle mass ri: the particle position vector. fi: the force acting on the ith particle The interaction potentials describe in detail how the particles in a system interact with each other, i.e., how the potential energy of a system depends on the particle coordinates. Some of the most common simulations use AMBER [77], GROMOS [78] CHARMM [79] and OPLS [80]. |
Similar to MD simulation, MM is based on Newton’s equation of motion. The interactions between the particles in the system can be described via the force-field potentials applied in MD simulations [82]. | ||
Mesoscopic scale | ~10−6 m, ~10−6–10−3 s |
Commonly used forcefields in CGMD are: |
Beads i and j interact through simple pairwise force consisting of a conservative force (FCi
j), a dissipative force (FDi j), and a random force (FRi j). The total force applied on each bead i due to bead j is given as a sum of these three terms [71] |