Higher accumulation of Na+ in old leaves than young leaves |
Wheat, Barley, Rice, Maize, Sunflower |
[93,133,134,187,189,190,191,192,193] |
Higher accumulation of Cl− in old leaves than young leaves |
Wheat and Barley, Sunflower |
[187,189,191] |
Higher photochemical efficiency decrease in old leaves than young leaves |
Wheat and Barley, Rice |
[93,187] |
Higher decrease of total chlorophyll content in old leaves than young leaves |
Wheat, Barley, Sunflower |
[93,192,194] |
Higher soluble protein decrease in old leavesthan young leaves |
Rice, Wheat |
[93,195] |
Higher increase in MDA content in old leaves than young leaves than young leaves |
Rice, Maize |
[93,133,134] |
Higher electrolyte leakage in older leaves than young leaves |
Rice, Maize |
[93,134] |
Higher ROS reduction and H2O2 generation in older leaves than young leaves |
Rice, Maize |
[133,134] |
Higher increase in catalase activity in older leaves compare to young |
Rice, Maize |
[133,134] |