Table 1.
Epidemiological studies of association between lead levels and cognitive impairment by different ages of exposure.
Population (Age Range) | Study Design and Subjects | Location | Lead Levels | Outcomes | Reference |
Children | |||||
2–4 years | Cross-sectional study; 76 children. Gesell Developmental Scale: t-test comparisons. The Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL): χ2 test. Scores on each behavior factor and the total behavioral score were analyzed by the rank-sum test. |
Xi’an, China | Blood: 4–246 µg/L |
[11] |
2–5 years | Cross-sectional study; 201 children. Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL): χ2 test and t-test comparisons. Total Behavior Problem Score (TBPS) based upon the percentile ranking of raw scores and in the clinical range (90th percentile). Multiple regression analysis for the likelihood ratio and influential factor on the TBPS was measured from the mothers using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D). |
Baltimore, United States | Blood: 2–30 µg/dL |
[12] |
8–9 years | Cross-sectional study; 167 children. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC), Göttinger Formreproduktions-Test (GFT), Bender Gestalt-Test (German version), Benton Test, Diagnostics for Cerebral Damage Test and Wiener Reaction Device. Duisburg study t tests for correlating samples. Stolberg sample associations were tested using of stepwise multiple regression analysis. |
Duisburg city and Stolberg city, Germany | Baby teeth: 1.4–38.5 µg/g Blood: 6.8–34 µg/100 mL |
[13] |
6–12 years | 100 children Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, 3rd edition (WISC-III) Spearman’s rank correlation, logistic and linear regressions to test independent predictors for impairment of cognitive function and the relationship between blood lead levels and cognitive function. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was used to calculate the best cut-off value of blood lead levels (based on the highest sensitivity with the lowest false-positive results) above which the majority of the children have cognitive dysfunction. |
Cairo, Egypt | Blood: 3–28 µg/dL |
[14] |
Adults | |||||
50–60 years | Cross-sectional study; 53 adults. Wechsler adult intelligence scale-revised (WAIS-R), Wechsler memory scale (WMS), a test of attention and visuomotor tracking (trail making), test of verbal fluency (FAS), test of non-verbal reasoning (Raven progressive matrices), test of motor speed (finger tapping) and inventory of current mood (POMS). Wilcoxon signed ranks test, used to compare matched pairs of subjects exposed to lead and controls; and the Mann–Whitney test, used to compare entire groups. χ2 test was used to evaluate the distribution of categorical frequencies. |
Boston, United States | Blood: 60–120 µg/dL |
[8] |
50–70 years | Cross-sectional study; 1033 adults. A battery of 20 cognitive test results was standardized and collapsed into 7 cognitive domain scores. All 7 domain scores were standardized for direction so that a negative regression coefficient indicated worse performance. χ2 test for interaction between tibia lead, Neighborhood Psychosocial Hazards Scale (NPH). NPH scale and the 7 domains of Cognitive function in the Baltimore Memory study. Multilevel regression models were used to account for the nesting of persons within neighborhoods. |
Baltimore, USA | Tibia 18.8 ± 11.6 µg/g |
[1] |
Male workers | |||||
22 years | Case report | India | Blood: 128.3 µg/dL |
[15] |
39–50 years | Cross-sectional study 47 adults exposed to Pb for 11.7 ± 9 years. Modified version of the Wisconsin card sorting test, the block design test, the visual recognition test, choice reaction, simple reaction, and digit symbol substitution. One-tailed t-test for independent samples was used for the following tasks: block design and visual recognition tests, simple reaction time, and digit symbol substitution. The results of the choice reaction were analyzed by multivariate analysis of variance. Since scores of the Wisconsin test were not distributed normally, they were analyzed by one-tailed Mann– Whitney test. Because of multiple univariate testing, Bonferroni correction was applied. |
Germany | Blood: 30.8 + 11.2 µg/100 mL |
[16] |
25–67 years | Cross-sectional study: 100 adults exposed to Pb for 1–7 years. WHO neurobehavioral core test battery. Multiple linear regression of neurobehavioral function in workers and lead exposure indices. Correlation coefficients (Pearson r) between blood lead concentration and covariates Analysis of covariance for dichotomous exposure variables. |
Venezuela | Blood: 9–60 µg/dL |
[17] |
71 years | Case report Twins |
Boston, United States | Blood: 15–125 µg/dL Patella: 119–343 µg/g Tibia: 79–189 µg/g |
[18] |
Female workers | |||||
55–65 years | Cross-sectional study: 31 adults exposed to Pb for 1.4–20.7 years. N-back working memory paradigm. Mean values of continuous variables were compared using the Student’s t-test. Pearson correlation analyses between mean percentage changes of activated brain regions and working memory performance. The effects of blood lead on percent signal change by multiple regression analysis. |
Korea | Blood: 0.88–13.5 µg/dL |
[19] |